soul shard delete macro. It will clear content from A1 to C3 cell, but we will have all the existing formatting. soul shard delete macro

 It will clear content from A1 to C3 cell, but we will have all the existing formattingsoul shard delete macro <b>sreniatnoc ni sdrahs luos ecalp regnol on yam sreyalP </b>

Unending Resolve - Shield wall effect, granting you damage. WILL ONLY WORK FOR DEMONOLOGY AND AFFLICTION Should work with all future versions unless something major changes with how Soul Shards or WeakAuras works. So if your macro contains GetContainerNumSlots, PickupContainerItem or GetBagName, I think these should now be C_Container. Requires the caster and 2 additional party members to complete the ritual. With addons (necrosis, soulshardlimiter), when it happens to get 2 shards at once, it will make auto disconnect. . Easier way to farm them is during AV weekend, mobs fighting middle. the one that is suggest to use is. SoulSort is a lightweight Soul Shard management addon that helps you keep your Soul Shards organized in your bags. You will want a soul shard delete macro/addon to avoid inventory issues, however. Grimoire of Supremacy allows you now to use a permanent. Periodic damage generates 1 soul shard fragment and has a 50% chance to generate an additional 1 on critical strikes. * Create and use soul stones, health stones, fire stones, and spell stones. As of latest patch, destruction warlocks have fallen even further behind the rest of the classes. Ritual of summoning also uses a soul shard along with soul stone. Press the Delete button on the right side of the dialog box. In this page,. Demonology Warlock is a spec designed around continuously summoning temporary demons to do your bidding with relatively short cooldowns, some of them requiring a precise setup and a good amount of pet management. Yup, this is it, it's the "personal resource" NICE! Also Fstack suggestion = awesome. 10Cast Drain Soul on targets that are dying to generate Soul Shards. need help with delete soul shard macro warlock. Incinerate - A short cast that deals damage and generates 2 soul shard fragments. We generate these with the majority of our damaging abilities, to then unload big amounts of damage into our target through Chaos Bolt or Rain of Fire. Levels 17-19 ⇒ 3/5 Suppression - This provides you with a Spell Hit Cap for Affliction Spells against enemies 2 Levels higher than you. It probably won't be that bad in Classic. View Profile View Forum PostsThe macro just deletes the bottom-right item in the left-most bag. Destro is an really easy aoe spec imo, but definitely high apm, when shard refund starts to kick in. Cast Incinerate to generate soul shards. CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. Create and use a soul-stone or a health stone the Mod can be Ctrl,alt,shift or any combo of the 3 #showtooltip /use [mod:ctrlalt] Lesser Soulstone; Lesser Healthstone. It delete in priority outside your soul bag, from right. Edit the value of `llimit` variable to the maximum amount of soul shards that is desireable. Aura Points On Client. 5% on the first tick, increasing by 2. Also in order to recive a soul shard. Get a soul bag - depending on how big it is, it will never exceed that number, e. For M+. The only time I have found that Soul Swap is beneficial is when Anger and Strife is up in Temple of the Jade Serpent. Some other spells that use a soul shard are shadow burn and soul fire. In WoW Dragonflight, the Affliction warlock has lost its apex and is no longer the king of PvP specs. Use this macro to destroy exactly one. 91 Soulstone Fragment You will get a Cold/Warm/Hot indicator, once you are getting close to the soulstones. 96 86. Soul. I repeated quest as needed. Whilst Drain Soul did not see a lot of use outside of farming Soul Shards, now plays a vital and fun role. Destroy a single shard When your bags are full and a world drop happens, you don't want to have to open your bags to find and destroy a soul shard. Soul Shards are also used in making health stones and spell stones and fire stones. 1. 1. While out of combat you. 7% of Spell power)] Shadowflame damage on impact to all enemies within 8 yds of the target [Hand of Doom: applies Doom to each target] and summons up to 3 Wild Imps, based on Soul Shards consumed. Since soul shards fill up in your soul bag from top-left to bottom-right, this only deletes a shard if your soul bag is full, then the soul shard is replaced when your target dies while being drained. It delete in priority outside your soul bag, from right to left inside your bags, and. Wotlk Classic; Warlock delete souls shard macro. . Afflicts the target with (72. Delete Specified Soulshard #showtooltip /cast X is the bag the soul shard is held in. Drain Soul, pet passive, delete Soul Shard /cast Drain Soul(Rank 1) /run PetPassiveMode()local a=GetBagName(4); if a=="Core Felcloth Bag" or a=="Felcloth. Mediocre damage; most people keep this at rank 1 to minimize mana cost. 50 21. /cast Drain Soul (Rank 1) /run local a=GetBagName (4); if a=="Core Felcloth Bag" or a=="Felcloth Bag" or a=="Soul Pouch". AdiBags is another addon that combines all of your bags into one giant bag. The addon sorts all Soul Shards to be at the end of your bags (as far left as possible). * Buff menu. Description. Soul Shards are also used in making health stones and spell stones and fire stones. Dragonflight Mythic+ Season 3. Warlock Demons Warlocks can summon a variety of demons, available to specializations. Got a Ebon Shadowbag that holds 28 shards at max and any beyond that get put into regular bags. In 7. Damage Meters — Details, Recount, or Skada. [With realm restarts] (4) Set Bonus: Shadow Bolt now has a 30% chance and Drain Soul now has a 20% chance to make your next Malefic Rapture cost no Soul Shards and cast instantly (was 20% and 10% respectively). 1 Auto-Delete Shards + Drain Soul. Macros can help to simplify your gameplay in Wrath Classic and make managing certain. API lacks any method that would allow an addon to auto delete after you fill your soul bag. Bonjour à tous, je viens de me créer un démo et j’ai pris le talent qui permet de regen la mana lorsque je tue un mob au “Siphon d’ame” ce qui est vraiment génial pour ne pas devoir regen, sauf que on se retrouve vite submergé de shards, auriez vous du coup un add-on a me conseiller qui détruit automatiquement ces objets après un certain nombre?. Uses ACE2. This will help tremendously with managing all of your items and Soul Shards. The entire macro that I use personally is: /run for b=0,4 do for s=1,12 do n=GetContainerItemLink(b,s);if n and string. You can have a maximum of 5 Soul Shards. 3) or the Necrosis addon will delete excess shards to the point you're looking for, but I've just stuck to a weakaura to show how many total shards in inventory and I just delete them manually. 4. For leveling, I suggest keeping this at 4, for raids you can set this to whatever number you need by changing the if a>=4 part to a bigger number. For example:. Good for those who do not use a shard bag and don't necessarily want a static cap on the number of shards to carry. After that, it's important to buy Goddess Shard boxes, red Chaotic Stones, and red Soul of Goddess, in that order, every day. Comment by jacjac funny how much destructive warlock sucks cos demon damage more with this. Main Resources for Affliction Warlock. 2X mana with talents. BigWigs – Functions the same as DBM but is slightly more lightweight. Demonic Gateway. Large Brilliant Shard, from Level 55-60 Rare (blue) items. 97 Shard 10 /way Bastion 53. * Icon shown when unit is unfearable / Banish icon / Trance. Cast Hand of Gul'dan with 3 Soul Shards. With addons (necrosis, soulshardlimiter), when it happens to get 2 shards at once, it will make auto disconnect. 3. A spell. Click Enable Content. 72 19. Flex on your friends! Warlock-specific addons that can help us or are convenient quality of life tools. For some, you'll need your Voidwalker. Ill try Necrosis. These chests are a onetime use and DO. Soul Shard mechanic effectively reduces Warlock's inventory space: Very fast leveler thanks to his versatile Toolkit and Self-Reliability. This macro can work for any class by simply changing the buffs listed. #showtooltip Drain Soul /cast Drain Soul /run PickupContainerItem(4,1) DeleteCursorItem() To set a max of shards (saved per character), 0 is infinite. On the second weak aura, open the drop down menu for the group, go into Shards 2. This addon is to help your warlock manage soul shards, soul stones, health stones, fire stones, and spell stones. With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly users, we are a growing community of avid gamers, always on the hunt for the next thing in user-generated content. Ritual of summoning also uses a soul shard along with soul stone. Cyclomatic complexity3. Fixed an issue where Bonds of Fel was not receiving some damage modifications correctly. . You can easily delete. Soul Shard Management. Necrosis — Warlock quality of life addon; some people like it, some dislike it. This means you can get these buffs/items pretty consistently for 16 levels (the starter quest can be accepted at level 48, and the buffs continue to give the buff through 63) as long as you aren't dying very frequently and you actually do enough quests in felwood to keep your cenarion salve in stock (don't throw away any corrupted soul shards)The Soul Shards mod is part of FTB's Magic World, Direwolf20, Yogcraft, Ultimate, [1]Modsauce, Mindcrack and Unleashed mod packs. You can easily delete the numbers above if you prefer not to have them. Your Soul Leech absorption now passively recharges at a rate of 0. Any help would be appreciated! I use Necrosis, which automatically deletes shard, and you can customize to permit X amount of extra shards in your other bags. Example:Maintain Doom on as many targets as possible Cast Grimoire: Felguard before Summon Demonic Tyrant, delay if necessary Cast Summon Vilefiend if talented into Fel Invocation Cast Call Dreadstalkers Cast Felstorm Cast Demonic Strength Cast Guillotine Cast Bilescourge Bombers if the mobs are remaining stationary Cast Grimoire: Felguard. Warlocks need Soul Shards for some of their abilities like for all their pet. 7. In one click, you get the complete pack of the best addons in each category (Bag, Loot, Combat, Action. My goal is to be able to setup a macro that deletes a soul shard if a certain count of shards is present among ALL bags and then pair that with soul drain spell. As written, the number is twenty. 032% of Spell power) Shadow damage over 5 sec. Rain of Fire - Is the best. Don;t know. The Soul Shard auto-delete is courtesy of Vico. It's currently 2. 3Spend soul shards *(read special notes)* to avoid capping 4Channel Demonfire 5Apply Havoc to a secondary target 6Conflagrate 7Apply Immolate to any other targets present 8Incinerate *Special notes* Choosing your soul shard spender correctly is important when dealing AoE damage as a Destruction Warlock. Obtaining more Soul Stones will require an. Tidy Soul Shards (TSS) provides you with an easy way to destroy Soul Shards via macros. This guide is made to help players of Warmane get there Enchanting up. I've got macrotalk and i've been trying to use ones i've found on forums etc but they all seem to end up not working or not doing all the functions. Bag 4 is my soul. 0 means keep all shards. The following macro will allow you to show the shard count and use the spell Drain Soul from one entire macro, If no Soul Shard's are present then it will show Drain Soul icon instead until a Shoul Shard is found in the player inventory. /run CastSpellByName ("Drain Soul (Rank 1)") if UnitIsUnit ("playertarget","pettarget. /ss autosort [on/off] - Toggle automatic sorting when you leave combat. To delete all macros, simply select the first macro, press down the SHIFT key and select the last macro name. 3. If your pet or your group gets the killing blow you don't get any regen boost (add a macro to call pet back for solo). 5. This can be fixed easly with a macro. Your soulbags do not need to be placed in any specific bag slots in order for the macro to work. SoulSort – Soul Shard management can be a relative pain, especially when Drain Soul. On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Affliction Warlock in World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10. And each of these is going to take a soul shard to. #show Soul Shard /cast [nochanneling:drain soul]drain soul Inventory Slots. Max Soul Shard count. Any help would be most appreicated!I just killed animals to get 6 corrupted soul shards. Macro to automatically remove excess soul shards! Looking for a macro command that deletes excess soulshards on its own. To delete if you have too much shards. #showtooltip Drain Soul /cast Drain Soul /run PickupContainerItem(4,1) DeleteCursorItem()To set a max of shards (saved per character), 0 is infinite. Chaos Bolt (2 Shards), Rain of Fire (3 Shards) and Summon Doomguard (1 Shard) are your Shard spender. Ritual of summoning also uses a soul shard along with soul stone. Requires the caster and 2 additional party members to complete the ritual. Soul Shard. If it is honestly counted against your demons GCD, this is just a flat soul shard every ten seconds, which might not sound like a lot but I Imagine it'd be pretty. [Inferno: Rain of Fire has a 20% chance to generate a Soul Shard Fragment]Drain Soul/Shadowburn will increase your chance to roll 1 Soul Shard Spender. For still others, you might need an Infernal. Please comment and rate on what you think of it. It will automatically put soul shards in your last bag, and delete any that are in any other bags. Of course this talent will help justify not altering to a "build one Soul Shard, spend one Soul Shard" rotation, since it activates per Soul Shard spent, the proc chance (4% at max rank) is very low. Tested it and it works perfectly. These only come from using the Drain Soul spell on a mob. Guides. The Endless Walk set is a nice compromise between damage bonuses (building up while stationary) and defensive bonuses (building. Got a Ebon Shadowbag that holds 28 shards at. The . I started to doubt my memory if this was a thing in the Original WOTLK. PickupContainerItem ( bagIndex,. I have Necrosis set to destroy anything above 16 and when the bag is full. The spec still retains all the class baseline toolkits comprised Healthstones, Soulstones, skip-enabling Demonic Gateway, AoE crowd. *Edit 7/13 - Changed name of thread (-levelingThe following macro will allow you to show the shard count and use the spell Drain Soul from one entire macro, If no Soul Shard's are present then it will show Drain Soul icon instead until a Shoul Shard is found in the player inventory. /ra Casting Soulstone on %t. 42 12. Luckily for us since Classic there has been a handy tool made by Warlocks for Warlocks: Soulsort. World of Warcraft. A storm appears at the top of every hour, so ride out in Jorvik to find it! No time to waste — you never know how long the vortex will stay. I can't find any add-ons specifically for this, I've tried a few macros found online, but none work. Cast Demonbolt if you have 2+ stacks of Demonic Core. The enemies are high enough level… I even stop my minion from attacking before the enemy dies. The goddess shop is the primary way you will level your goddesses. g if you have a 32 slot bag you will always have a max amount of 32 shards in that same bag, no amount of soul drain will overfill it. With it in your inventory, the first creature that you kill will be bound to the Soul Shard. I have made this guide to help players that have read my other guide which can be found here Enchanting Guide 1-450. Stone Manager - create and distrubute Healthstones and Soulstones. Warlock SoulStone Macro help. Heroic mode bosses meanwhile have a ~75% drop chance, meaning you can expect to see 9 shards per week if you clear every boss in heroic mode, completing this quest in ~5 weeks. To really get a lot of shards, kill deadwood furbolgs. The addon won't let me delete shards, I understand that it doesn't automatically delete them. Currently when you use Drain Soul on a mob that grants XP all you receive is the random soul shard for hitting the mob. It cannot be fully automatic after combat because the related wow api needs a hardware event. The Soul Shard auto-delete is courtesy of Vico. Allow Class Ability Procs. Any help would be appreciated! I use Necrosis, which automatically deletes shard, and you can customize to permit X amount of extra shards in your other bags. Or, if you are a mod developer, you can use it to quickly test various things in your mods. If it is honestly counted against your demons GCD, this is just a flat soul shard every ten seconds, which might not sound like a lot but I Imagine it'd be pretty. I tried both settings for this both independently and in tandem and no combination seemed to work. Here are some others that can make your life easier if you choose. Starts?Yes you can put them in bank. For example, Soulshatter , our main threat drop, requires a Soul Shard , as do Ritual of Summoning , creating a Demonic Soulstone , Ritual of Souls , Grand Spellstone , Fel Firestone , Subjugate Demon , and all of your pet. Can someone explain why this marcro is not working. * Create and use soul stones, health stones, fire stones, and spell stones. Drains the soul of the target, causing 710 Shadow damage over 15 sec. Demonbolt: This ability generates two soul shards but has a very long base cast time. 2% of Spell power) damage over 14 sec. Monitoring the cds of your dps mates can also help, especially on tyrannical. Alternately, you can simply just right click on Shards 2. It delete in priority outside your soul bag, from right to left inside your bags, and. It takes a user-defined maximum number of shards (default 28), and will delete any excess shards. Rain of Fire - Is the best. ; Shadow Bolt - Single target filler spell that generates one Soul Shard. Of course this talent will help justify not altering to a "build one Soul Shard, spend one Soul Shard" rotation, since it activates per Soul Shard spent, the proc chance (4% at max rank) is very low. Please create your tables without adding arguments. Simple but nice looking Soul Shard weakaura with animated purple stuff. Upon reaching one, it will release several small pieces to make up Soul Shards. Use this macro to destroy exactly one. Since soul shards fill up in your soul bag from top-left to bottom-right, this only deletes a shard if your soul bag is full, then the soul shard is replaced when your target dies while being drained. Y is the bag slot the Soul Shard you want to delete is contained in. Last updated on Nov 06, 2023 at 09:50 by Motoko 53 comments. Looking for some help on a macro, i'm not really good with this kind of thing. General Information. Soul Shards are bop. Code: /run local c,s=0 for b=0,4 do for i=1,GetContainerNumSlots (b) do s=GetContainerItemLink (b,i) if s and s:find ("Soul Shard") then c=c+1 if c>24 then PickupContainerItem (b,i) DeleteCursorItem () end end end end. Some level 73 items have lower hidden item level, so they will disenchant into lower-tier materials from the 67-72 range. I think Soul Sort (v1. 2. This should allow players to get their focus frame back, while still being able to quickly use a Demonic Gateway. 5+ shards and then dumping based on Soul Conduit refunds and shard. 5 shards per week, completing this quest in 11 weeks. Hey, been trying to make a macro that announces in/p Soulstoning 'target' Casts the spell and whispers them "youve been soulstoned". Just for reference, top bag is 18 slots, and they were a pain to get. This macro will automatically delete the Soul Shard that is in your fourth bag, in the bottom right. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Fel Dom/Master summoner: This when combined with VW sac is the only real “defensive cd” you will have access to while leveling… and the reduced cast time lets you resummon another VW for a sac shield during a full duration fear cast (as snutz was. Converts X health to X mana, 1. 575 * (Spell power * 1) * 1 * 1 * (1 + Versatility)] Shadow damage. " Select your new macro and use the text editor below to tell it what to do. Drains the target's soul, causing (232. Some other spells that use a soul shard are shadow burn and soul fire. The macro allows me to get Improved Drain Soul spirit regeneration bonus without competing with my pet or having to manually call him off. Each Soul Shard is made up of 10 Soul Shard Fragments. It provides an easy menu to summon demons / pets; give buffs; summon players; and apply curses. Affliction Warlock Cooldown Usage Affliction Warlock Cooldown Interactions Darkglare Usage and Haunt You will want to cast your Summon Darkglare as close to every two. . Some few locations will have chests containing items. " Select your new macro and use the text editor below to tell it what to do. It provides an easy menu to summon demons / pets; give buffs; summon players; and apply curses. Some other spells that use a soul shard are shadow burn and. As a warlock you have many different abilities, you make a new macro which SL cast sequence, and next up you add in the spells that you would like to cast, all the different damage over time effects, which we would also highly recommend you to do is to remove the spell rank, this way whenever you get a new rank the macro will continue to. 5 seconds), and a 45 second cooldown (was 20 seconds). Casts Rank 1 Drain Soul and deletes a Soul Shard from the last slot of your shard bag, as long as the shard bag is in the left-most slot (furthest from the Backpack). Agony – one of your main DoT sources, deals Shadow damage over 18 sec (23,4 sec with Pandemic). Demonic Gateway: Can be cast instantly. 1) Cast Haunt (Costs 1 Soul Shard) 2) Use Macro (refreshes UA, Agony, and Corruption (Costs 1 Soul Shard) 3) Cast Drain Soul for 4 ticks (Generates 2 Soul Shards) By doing this as soon as the 4th Drain Soul ticks, you can infinitely keep up your Haunt bonus as well as your DoTs with minimal effort. GetContainerNumSlots (i) do local z=C_Container. Affliction Warlock DPS Macros and Addons — Dragonflight 10. Cast Conflagrate to generate soul shards and Backdraft stacks (this is also a talent now). Soul Shards can be salvaged into 3 random gems of Marquise or Imperial quality, with a minor chance to give 1 Flawless Royal gem instead. Destroy a single shard When your bags are full and a world drop happens, you don't want to have to open your bags to find and destroy a soul shard. No LicenseDrain Soul Macro This macro will automatically delete the Soul Shard that is in your fourth bag, in the bottom right corner. Is th. Tidy Soul Shards (TSS) provides you with an easy way to destroy Soul Shards via macros. Quick Facts; Screenshots; Videos; Comments. 3) GETTING OUT THE RIGHT PET FOR EACH BOSS FIGHT. You can still use an addon to get around the new restrictions. Old: Causes (235. Visit the link for more details. There is 100s of different types. Soul Shard Bar This aura contains anything you that you could ever need to track in terms of Soul Shards. -> find how many items (soul shards) are in bags -> of amount>maxAmount than delete soul shards from bag 1 by 1 until amount !> maxAmount. Since we can only have a maximum of 5 Soul Shards/50 Fragments, this means that the maximum number of Chaos Bolt s we will be able to reliably cast in a short window of time is Chaos Bolt → Chaos Bolt → Conflagrate → Chaos Bolt. When you fill a soul shard, it increases the damage done by your main pet. If you put a Soul Shard bag in the leftmost bag slot, this is bag 4. Since soul shards fill up in your soul bag from top-left to bottom-right, this only deletes a shard if your soul bag is full, then the soul shard is replaced when your target dies while being drained. 5 sec. For anyone finding this through google, heres a working macro without scripts or addons: showtooltip /cast Drain Soul /run i="Soul Shard"d=GetItemCount(i)-8 for x=0,4 do for y=1,GetContainerNumSlots(x)do if(d>0)then l=GetContainerItemLink(x,y)if l and. General Information. Download Article. The Soul Enchanter's interface may look a bit like the Vanilla Enchanting Table, but bit it functions much differently. They are used for many things like summoning warlock pets like the void walker, felhunter, succubus, and felguard. Then, wait another minute and bite the second person. 0). Choose a Name and an Icon so you can easily recognize your macro, then click on "Okay. Corruption is a medium-strength DoT. Generates 1 Soul Shard. Then click on the "New" button on the macro window. Each Demon has different abilities and can be used in a variety of situations. Call Dreadstalkers – Summons 2 ferocious Dreadstalkers to attack the target for 12 sec. Details – Shows you how much damage, healing, etc everyone in your raid is doing. I'm really enjoying Demonology so far but like many others, i'm finding DE very clunky. Then, hold a Diamond, and right-click the Glowstone Block. 5 PTR 10. its not bad. It’s mainly known and used because of the handy and minimalistic actionbar. Large Prismatic Shard Void Crystal: Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Code: /cast Drain Soul (Rank 1) /run PickupContainerItem (4,GetContainerNumSlots (4)) DeleteCursorItem (); Everytime you cast Corruption, it will automatically sort your bags, and every time you cast Drain Soul it will delete a shard. Ritual of summoning also uses a soul shard along with soul stone. Which takes a soul shard. Once you reach the limit it destroys -a- shard when you kill the mob with drain soul, not specifically the shard you get for it. Havoc – marks a target with Havoc for 10 sec, causing your single target spells to also strike the Havoc victim. Haunt (if talented) 5. A Soul Shard will be created. Does not work with the high-level shard bags. 41 Soulstone Fragement /way Netherstorm 53. Refunds 1 Soul Shard if the target dies before 8 sec have elapsed. Some other spells that use a soul shard are shadow burn and soul fire. anyone know about a macro that can destroy soulshards? please help me. The addon sorts all Soul Shards to be at the end of. The macro just deletes the bottom-right item in the left-most bag. It’s an intriguing theme. /run SendChatMessage(“I put a soulstone on you. Third, it only gives one enchant at a time and always starts at level 1 of that enchant. . Delete Specified Soulshard #showtooltip /cast X is the bag the soul shard is held in. Settings for the bar can be found in the Custom Options tab of the WeakAuras interface. This addon is to help your warlock manage soul shards, soul stones, health stones, fire stones, and spell stones. Usage: To set a maximum limit for shards to keep /sm max N where N is the number of shards to keep. Open in Calculator. Mana is a secondary resource for Affliction Warlocks. Post by RedwoodElf You can use that to let you "toggle" between, for example, Drain Life, and Drain Soul. While pressing the shift modifier it will Health Funnel your pet. I can't find any add-ons specifically for this, I've tried a few macros found online, but none work. Soul Strike (talent): This ability commands your Felguard to strike the target and generates 1 Soul Shard. They are used for many things like summoning warlock pets like the void walker, felhunter, succubus, and felguard. local b = CreateFrame ("Button", "DeleteCursorItemButton") b:SetScript ("OnClick", function () DeleteCursorItem () end). It is. sicNME 15 years ago #7. 8. There are macros in place to delete soul shards, and addons; such as necrosis. This will open the file in Excel. In this guide, we will explain how to use WeakAuras, make your own auras, and go over some best Destruction Warlock WeakAuras to get you started. This ensures you get both the CDR from Madness as well as the damage increase it brings. 05 Soulstone Fragment /way Hellfire Peninsula 61. To delete shards when bags are getting full /sm spare N /sm min N Spare is the number of spare bag slots to keep free. My inventory rapidly fills up with soul shards, and as a level 30 warlock I can't really use them on much. Contribute. My goal is to be able to setup a macro that deletes a soul shard if a certain count of shards is present among ALL bags and then pair that with soul drain spell. Features. Players will equip a Prime Evil Soul Shard in their helm slot and a Lesser Evil Soul Shard in their weapon slot to “embody a. Allow Class Ability Procs. Cast Chaos Bolt whenever you have 2 Soul Shards and a stack of Backdraft. Immolate's periodic damage has a 50% chance to generate 1 Soul Shard Fragment (was a 15% chance to generate 1 Soul Shard). Every raid boss requires different strategy to bring down. This following macro will help you with inventory management, destroying all the soul shards in your bags and leaving you. /ssm. You should be using this macro/spell to kill every mob you are fighting. Summon Infernal – for 1 Soul Shard, summons an Infernal from the Twisting Nether, impacting for Fire damage and stunning all enemies in the area for 2 sec. Immolate's periodic damage critical strikes have a 100% chance to generate 1 Soul Shard Fragment (was a 30% chance to generate 1 Soul Shard). 12 Shard 14 /way Bastion 38. 1. Shadowburn, now costs a Soul Shard, has 50% critical strike chance on targets that have 20% or less health, and its cooldown is now reduced by Haste. Small Brilliant Shard, from Level 50-55 Rare (blue) items. GetContainerNumSlots etc. 2) Voidwalkers are trained at the Demon Trainer (not the Imp one), and the closest one is two NPCs away from Gakin. Longer channel than Drain Life. Previously, if a player placed a soul shard in a container, it would despawn after a few hours and reset, leading to confusion. It was working just fine. 0. This is our engine. /ss sort - Sorts your Soul Shards to the back of your inventory. Nexus Crystal, from Level 55-60 Epic (purple) items. The current IDs for Inventory. There are macros in place to delete soul shards, and addons; such as necrosis. 2. Using the gate in combat should automatically teleport you to the target location. If you can't make it to 800, stop at 400 and save the rest. /cast Drain Soul (Rank 1) /run local a=GetBagName (4); if a=="Core Felcloth Bag" or. For these reasons, casting Chaos Bolt. In patch 3. In the face of demonic power, most heroes see death. 05 85. Quartz and Castbars are good. Also, this destroys the shard furthest to the "right" in your bags. Ahh, the soul shard bag! Good times. person Silvyyrx December 3, 2021 9:29 AM. ". Bread and butter resource management tool. As Demonology Warlock, this is a dps neutral ability that is often ignored as it does not generate soul shards, its damage contribution is marginal. If your bag name is not on the list, you can add it in a similar way. sicNME 15 years ago #7. Usage /dss numOfShardsToDelete. If the bag is not full, it wont delete anything. Double-click the Excel file which contains the macro you want to delete. Maintain Doom on as many targets as possible Cast Grimoire: Felguard before Summon Demonic Tyrant, delay if necessary Cast Summon Vilefiend if talented into Fel Invocation Cast Call Dreadstalkers Cast Felstorm Cast Demonic Strength Cast Guillotine Cast Bilescourge Bombers if the mobs are remaining stationary Cast Grimoire: Felguard. Shard Manager - clear out excess shards from bags quickly and efficiently. SoulSort is a lightweight Soul Shard management addon that helps you keep your Soul Shards organized in your bags. A generally fix for this would be to use a macro, but the problem that arises is that by doing so, you need another action button to use it, as the macro size itself would barely allow you to destroy Soul Shards. Bag 4 is my soul shard bag. All crafter soul crystals require completion of Beloved of the Builder and cost one Soul of the Crafter. 11 80. Adding any SR unit to your team will strengthen your account, so it's recommended to summon in bulk.